Founded in Valdagno in 1973, FENICE has faithfully kept its general headquarters in the same magnificent green area of Valle dell’Agno, just a few minutes away from the relevant Arzignano tanning district with which FENICE has always maintained a synergic business relationship. FENICE is a chemical company with a core business based on the creation, production and analysis of chemical specialities destined to leather finishing, shoe and leathergoods finishing. The company is customer/market oriented with the desire to satisfy an ever more competent, interactive, demanding customer that has led to product accessories becoming essential. Just the basic quality, supervised by production technicians is no longer considered to be sufficient. What is of greater value nowadays is the multi-sensuality of the product, its polyglot ability that goes beyond appearance, a kind of haptic sensation, the physical-mechanical characteristics that become the real texture. It’s the result of the motto in the LOVING LEATHER brand.
Short Business Description / ประเภทธุรกิจ
Becoming the preferred service partner of every company working with leather and its articles, transferring to the market advanced and efficient technology for promoting a sustainable development
Long Business Description